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четверг, 26 февраля 2009 г.

Exploring The Stargate Universe

A whole age group weeped for the finale of Stargate SG:1 – arguably the best sci-fi saga in the records of TV. With 10 terms under its belt, Stargate SG:1 is one of the longest standing sci-fi television series ever, thrashing luminaries in the field like Star Trek: The Next Generation and the original Twilight Zone.

But the multitude of fans that have liked the program throughout the times experience comfort in the fact that the program’s sequel, Stargate Atlantis, was nonetheless running.

That is, till such time when Stargate Atlantis was likewise yanked off the airing schedule, declaring the current 5th term as its end.

What must the multitudes of Stargate enthusiasts look forward to? Surely, not a new cartoon program based on the franchise, right?

Here comes Stargate Universe, a novel take on the television program, notwithstanding one which will transpire in the same world populated by humans and Goulds, among other races.

Stargate Universe, as numerous viewers have noticed, is really a mixture of Stargate and Star Trek, two of the most well-known and most influential science fiction licenses in the 20th century. Stargate Universe doesn’t exclusively rotate on the Stargates that have turned into the core of previous TV programs in the series, though the Stargates are still the focal points of the narratives. Instead Stargate Universe utilized a spaceship much similar to the U.S.S. Enterprise.

As the account goes, an ancient ship launched by an aged society has been unearthed. The spacevessel, which was named Destiny, was lodged by a team of travelers, namely Colonel Everett Young, Tamara Jon, Chloe Carpenter, Eli Hitchcock, Lt. Jared Nash, and Ron "Psycho" Stasiak.

But Destiny has a pre-encoded course, beyond the regulation of its group.

Hence, the spce vessel began its journey, taking with it the group of explorers to fantastic stars to meet new acquaintances and new enemies, doing some unknown missions planned by the old culture.

Is the Destiny designed to be a tool that will unite the world, or a weapon that is designed to destroy it?

Certainly, the dynamics of the franchise have been altered with the coming presentation of Stargate Universe. But as a Stargate fan would say to you, a rose by any new label would smell just as sweet.

Even if that flower gets the form of an intergalactic combat cruiser.

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