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среда, 1 апреля 2009 г.

Do Dangerous Prescriptions Really Harm You?

Everyone may need a prescription at some point in their lives. How do you know if what you're getting from a pharmacy is safe? Just because a doctor prescribes it and you get a "drug" legally, does that mean it's not dangerous?  

Most prescriptions come with side effects that could potentially be dangerous to your health, depending on what it's used for. Prescriptions that are dangerous, as in terms of addictions, are usually called narcotics. Doctors don't like prescribing these drugs because of the surge of addiction to them in the last decade. People are not only abusing them, they are also selling them. There is a high demand for these drugs out on the streets that there are people that don't "need" them, get them from their doctor and sell them. Unless you have a chronic, life-altering, disabling condition, you can probably get by on Tylenol.  

There has been an increased use of painkillers for the management of non-malignant, chronic pain. For post-operative pain, painkillers are used. Uses in palliative care is any pain of moderate or greater severity, shortness of breath, diarrhea, and painful wounds, requiring topical morphine. These drugs are not recommended for sedation or anxiety because experience has found them to be ineffective agents in these roles. 

The long-term use of these drugs show dependence is rare if the medication is being used for pain relief. These drugs are safe when used correctly, or as prescribed.  

Some of these are very dangerous and may cause renal failure. There are many other long-term effects of dangerous prescriptions they include acute respiratory depression, acute pancreatitis, chemical toxicity, insomnia, hallucinations, and nightmares. The short-term effects of these drugs include sedation, euphoria, physical dependence, psychological dependence, tolerance, and pinpoint pupils. 

There are a lot of doctors that prescribe these dangerous prescriptions for post-op pain, cancer, kidney stones, severe back pain, and a severe cough.

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