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понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.

The Effects of Ethanol

Henry Ford invented the Model-T in 1908. It was manufactured to run on ethanol. He was quoted as saying, 'Ethanol is the fuel of the future.' Could Henry Ford have been a man ahead of his time?

Ethanol contains the same type of alcohol that is found in alcoholic beverages. When ethanol is used to operate motor vehicles, it is mixed with the gasoline, usually at a 10/90 combination (10 being the ethanol). During recent studies, it has been noted that the effects of ethanol may reduce a vehicles' average mileage by 1-2. That small decrease in mileage may hurt some of our pocketbooks during the recession, but the use of ethanol is better for the future of our planet.

The effects of ethanol do not increase the greenhouse effect, but helps reduce nitrogen oxide levels by up to 20. Studies have also proven that the effects of ethanol can also reduce CO2 emissions by up to 100 on the life cycle of your vehicle. That means that the exhaust pouring out of the tailpipe will be a lot cleaner and help reduce smog.

Ethanol contains a high concentration of octane. All you speed demons and muscle car maniacs know that's a good thing! The effects of using ethanol will not slow down and will still get the performance that you expect to get.

Ethanol also has another great aspect. It is biodegradable, which once again is a plus for our planet. Ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline does, so it helps reduce the effects of global warming. It is a proven fact that we have put our planet in need of great mending. The effects of ethanol will help heal the damage we have created and will reduce the pollution that is taking place on a daily basis. Ethanol is not the only solution, but may be one of the safest. 

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